hey guys..
silat camp pics added on my frenster..
do check it out! thanks...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
silat camp pics
Posted by hidayat at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Do u believe in Destiny???

firstly in the mrning about 3am..
went out to meet jabbar, ibnu n zarrin..n went parkour around 1/4 of tampines...hahakz...
then around 6am went to sunrise rooftop..it's a place where u can see beautiful scenery...half of singapore i guess...where by u'll be able to see..Changi Airport tower, Ikea, punggol, town n even Spore flyer..cool rite...
u can even relax n chill there...relieve ur stress..build up ur confidence in anitink..trust me..it work...free ur mind perhaps!!!
but for gals, i'm sorie..u cant go up there...bcoz it's sumtink to do with climbing...n climbing is nt a gals hobby/sports...hahahahakz...
took alot of pictures...the pics will be at the end of the post...
aft watching sunrise went straight home..
woke up around 3+pm n received a call from Laila...
met her at downtown with Jebz, ib n Nisa...
went for bowling at ehub...
sch is strting soon....so spend some time with them b4 sch reopens..
took pics of us playing bowling...
enjoy those pics...

Posted by hidayat at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
met huzai at barney playground n straight to Istighfar Mosque to have our Friday prayer..met Jabbar n Ib at mosque..aft praying we headed to Downtown East to have our lunch..n met Abid at Seashell park..
n chill about an hour b4 going home...
niwae going fishing tonite with my dad n cuzz..
niwae laila get well soon k..
apply cream to ur leg n be sure to take ur medicine so that u will recover soon..
tc!!! niwae left a msg for u at friendster...read it!! hahahakz..
i guess that's for today post...
Posted by hidayat at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Boredom strikes! oh boy..
Ouhk listen up, I'm BORED.
whole day doing nthing at home...as the rain keeps pouring every hour..non stop
for god sake, plz help me...
didn't got a chance to go for a jog this morning...
went online but no one is there..nt even one person..haiish..
leave a msg for sumbody, hoping to hear from her soon...
Moving on,
Ouhk whats the deal with these reality tv shows?.. like WTH., I hate all those stupid shows....
Why would I want to watch other people bickering and be annoying?..
I hate people as it is to be watching these idiots....
eg. like one of the show called Icarly, these two gals, Carly n Sam, who likes disturbing ppls n making some jokes that's isn't funny..
maybe sum ppl may say that it's jus a entertainment for them...
I dont know who is more pathetic, the people on the show or the people watching these shows.
About MTV!
MTV sucks, it rotts your brain! If you watch MTV you are a nerd..... ouhk... sorry i got carried away, I just really dislike MTV...
aniwae I'm gonna go back to banging my head on my desk, hopefully I pass out.hmmph...
well i'm gonna go bck to being bored!
Posted by hidayat at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
brought home PRIDE!
YES!! i told u'all that i would make it n won the match....
but i didnt brought home any medals coz my team loses...haiish..
but atleast i won the match n i'm proud of myself...cherished in my mind...
nvm, Abid , nurul and Farhana...although u didn't won the match but i'm proud of u for nt being a coward n fought all the way with Seligi Tunggal Team...i know it is a tough match..but u did nt give up n endured the whole game...n congrats to Faizul for winning the last match...our team loses 2-3...jus 1 nail...nt a big deal....i'm proud that u guys got the fighting Spirit in you!! yeah!!
all our team won the OTS challenge Trophy..
ouh ya, nt to fgt..
thanks Laila n her fren ( nisa) for coming n supporting us thoughout the whole day..
appreciate that alot...
niwae my aunt from New Zealand came jus now...
had a great conversation with her n she also gave me 100 NEW ZEALAND DOLLARS!!
YAY!! thanks aunt jess!!
here the pic of the 100 New Zealand dollars..
today i got New zealand money..
she told me she had a farm..n it's a animal farm..
till here then!!
Posted by hidayat at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
been busy training for the past few days...since last thurs
busy preparing to tml's fight..that's OTS Championship..
it will be held at Pasir ris East CC...3pm..
do come n see we fight...
the best among the best fite...
we are gonna win for tml's fite..believe it! yeah!
niwae went to Orchard with ib, zarrin, dinno n ahmad jus now..
went to Grand Copthane Hotel to apply for a job...
niwae will be strting next week..yay! cnt wait...
hmmph, aft that, went to Far East PlaZa..ate at Kfc n window shopping...
disturb some ppl around...as per normal..
n also went to Paragon Mall....
arrived home around 10pm..
fiighting tml..but today we can enjoy...
that's totally me...
actually dun wanna stressed alot...
wanna jus get some fun by relaxing our mental..
wat should we worried about..
i had done some training n preparation for tml...
so gonna do well tml..
ouh ya, nt to fgt...
there's this place,
ib n ahmad was laughing loudly at the back..
n i was lyke..stupid them...making nuisance noises...
then they called me..i was lyke hmmmph..ouhk then..
went i reached that spot..i strted laughing loudly..WTH! so funny..
it's a mirror..a concave mirror...which reflects a funny version of YOU..
i was lyke..WOW!! i'm small..so cute...my leg was so short n i was so fat..hahahakkk..how could i imagine that..the other mirror is the convex mirror..n my leg was so big...hahahahaha....cnt forget bout that...we took some pic of that..but it's abit blurr...hahaha...i cnt stop laughing till now thinking bout that..hmmph...
k till here...
wish me luck guys!!
Posted by hidayat at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
hey there guys..
i'm so tired today due to silat camp for the last two days..
13-14 dec...
on sat . 13 dec
met some of them first at Pasir ris ast CC to sent some items for the parents to bring for us there..so that it would be easier for us to cycle from Pasir Ris to East Coast.. Then we proceed to Pasir ris Park to meet the rest of them n Abg Zali to rent a bike that we would be using for the rest of the trip...
after renting it, we strted to cycle till East Coast Park...was fun together with them...
but one of us were missing..SUARTIKA!!! tkpe2..aku fhm kau pnat n gi kendarat...dun weri k SUE!! rest well! hahahakz..
k continue,
arrived there around 6+ n rest for a while b4 our traning began...
practice on our flipping b4 that, since Ib is doing sch projects about Parkour..we plan to strt our practising bck...yeah! GC RETURNS!!! BELIEVE IT!
Moving on,
we then went to train at the beach nearby..
run here n there..splits nt the fgt...was painful but force myself though...competition is around the corner...gonna train hard..wanna be the best!!! i pushed myself for the whole training...
after training, had a great n pleasant bath at the nearest toilet...felt delighted after the bath...
went to pit to have a bite... didnt eat tat much coz of the briyani rice i ate in the afternoon..hmmph...
went to chill wip them..giving some tips to Abid on dating girls as for he's gonna date a girl the next day..hahahakz.. n even sang some songs for them..
around 10+ we strted our games...
first game was to see wat character a we characterized.....i'm a EXCESSIVE person...cooool....but i'm also a STABILIZED person..i got both the same marks/points...but i picked excessive coz it's more describe for who i am...hahahkz...
then played some flour games...
aft tat I n Ib sabortage one of our frens...
hahahahakz..throwed flour n water at NurHidayat..hahahakz..
then me n man went fishing...yeah...atlast...waited so long...n we began fishing...
caught catfish, blukang fish, buntalfish, n also siakap fish...i dun noe wat the english name for it...hahahakz...
great mann....
waiting for the pics that Azizah n Nurul took..ALL OF IT!
please pass it to me..i likes those pics...amazing n outstanding...
then around 7+, it strted to rain cat n dogs..
we then pack up our things n cycle back to Pasir ris..
once we arrived Pasir Ris...some of us went home n about around 14 of us left..
coz there's another pit for the family gathering...
actually we plan to eat n go home....
BUT!! after a while, the rain strted pouring down heavily...
chill at one of the shelther...was so cold n shivering, as by the force of the wind...hmmph..
we then grab some foods n went to the tent..daym!! BAD IDEA!! knowing tat it was a bad idea...everybody strted blaming one another..hahaha...was so funny during that moment..stayed for a while till the rain stop....then went home wip azizah, ib n zainol...
overall the camp was so so so fun n challenging for me...i'm nt sure bout the others..hope they enjoyed it too.
till here i guess...
tomorrow morning will be having another training for OTS CHAMPIONSHIP..
here we come!!
go go go...
give me a tough fite...i'm on for it..
Posted by hidayat at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
East Coast Park
harlow there...
yesterday we had class BBQ at East Coast..
went to meet zahid, naim n man at Tamp inter n proceed to East Coast straight..
arrived there around 2pm..
all 3 of my lecturer were there too..one of them even brought his family along..
was quite fun when they are around, Mr. SIMON with his dirty jokes always..hahaha..
met all of my classmate n we started playing team building games at the beach..
i like the guessing water bomb games, where the part u guess the person n if the prson u guess is rite, then u throw the bomb on them...hahahahakz..my team won the prize prize..YAY!!! hahahakz...
then me n adam strting flipping...back flip, front flip, side flip..all kinds of flips..hahhaakz...
after flipping me, adam, naim n man went to swim at the beach...so fun wip them along..hahahakz...
even played roller skating n the bicycle that they rented...hmmph...
aft the exciting events, we strted to BBQ chickens , fish ball, crabmeat ,etc...
adam brought his girl along n sonia bought her boy along n that is Faris..
ate n chat wip them...n plan to overnight..so i call up my mom n said that i'll coming bck home tml...wat a great tym wip them.,
around 9+ ib came..i asked him to tag along instead..
we talked about lame JOkes. about creepy stories..alot stupid stories..
wat a great day yesterday wip them..
about 8+am we strted packing up, getting ready to go home...
ate breakfast at Macdonald before going bck home...
hmmph, tired n exhausted...
tonight will be having training at GEylang serai CC...
see ya guys there....
OTS championship! HERE WE COME!!!
niwae this sat n sun will be having my silat camp at EAst Coast TOOOOO!!! WALAU!! y east coast! so far!!!!! haaiyooo...
but nvm, this sat shld be way more fun coz all my best frens n silat frens will be there! YEAH!! cnt wait!! cnt wait! cnt wait!
till here i guess...
Posted by hidayat at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Piano lesson...ENJOY!
hey there..
yeah...atlast finished all my exams n assignments...
went to dinno's place to take my PSP bck from him..
but b4 going home, we played some RNB songs on the Piano...
enjoy those melody songs i played.
niwae i wanna improved in piano..
getting more n more motivated by seeing DAVID SIDES video...ENJOY!
Apologize feat. IBNU IRFAN! (rate thiz song) thanks! hehe
say goodbye intro..
superhuman intro!
Posted by hidayat at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
well hi again...
actually have ntg to say bout today...
went to L.P mac yesterday with Dila, Ib, Eemah, Su n huzai..met them n Su to create her blog...
went home bout 11...ate sumtink b4 going on9...
pass some photos tat we took to eemah n continue watching Naruto till 3am..hahakz..
today..so bored....
nth to do at home but to study..
tml exams, arghhhhh..
cnt wait to finish my exams then enjoy myself for a month!! a month??? nt fair nt fair...
nvm..nt big deal..still a oliday for me..
oryte till here then..
Posted by hidayat at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
busy busy busy!!!
hey there..
been busy for the past few days n had no time for blogging n etc..
gonna share with you guys bout my story for the past fews days..
sat. 29/11
Best of the Best competition at PRECC...
but i did nt participate in the event due to exams n projects..
went to support my teams..n also helped abg zali to update the scoreboard during that day..
i lyke best is the the fite between abid n ibnu..the best fite ever..fite between two brothers..n abid won the match...it was a tough match..even though ib didnt won the fight..but he did a great job n won himself a silver medal..WELLDON IB N ABID!!! GD LUCK FOR UR OTS CHAMPIONSHIP THIS DEC!!
i wont be joining the championship...haiish..i wish i were in the team...hmmph, but nvm, there's still alot of competition coming up next yr...
went home n did some revision for my exams on mon..
ouh ya! met EEMAH n DILA n SUE!!
yay! atlast got to meet them..miss them so much...
DISTURB them..ESP EEMAH!! hahakz...
sorie eemah, i've been bullying u for the past fews day...was lyke so fun..hahakz...
did some phototaking with them..hahakz...muke satu2 passport photo sey..lagi2 eemah!!hahahahahakz..opps...haha..
hope to get to meet u guys again...
niwae dila n ib, hope both of u settle ur prob. in a good way..dun fite2 k dila..NT GUD NT GUD!!ahahakz..
sun. 30/11
went to Johor with parents n relatives...did some revision in the car..
went to Angsana, Xtra, Larkin n Carrefour...mum gave me 50RM to spend..
bought some DVD n went shopping with kak nur n mawar. n thanks kak nur for the foods...the nasi ayam, nasi campur n oso nt to fgt, KFC..she's the best cuzz ever...hahakz
arrived home around 2+am..n went straight to bed...
WOW! so fast December oredy!!! n gonna be second yr student soon..
super daym fast..hmmph...
ouh ya...today, examssssssssssssssss...AIS exams..
woke up at 11am..n prepared to go sch..
arrived sch around 12.30...
went to canteen with faris n met irfan(Second yr student).he jus finished his attchment..so asked him about the atchments n etc..
then studied abit more n went to class to strt the exams...
hmmph, was quite simple..some ques was tricky but manage to ans it..
after the test went around asking for the right ans...n YAY!! almost all of it i got it right...
n thurs there's another test...AEES..hope cn do it too...got full marks for the previous test..n gonna get full marks for this one..yeahhh...
hmmph, till here then..
will update soon..
do take cre frens n loves ones...
Posted by hidayat at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
harlow everybody, jus wanna share with y'all some experience..
last sun we work as a kendarat ( i dun noe wat's the eng word of that) niwae kendarat is ppl who work during weddings...the one who cleans up the table after the prsn eats or drink...hmmph, btw my blog is nt a dictionary but if u wanna noe more plz go to http://www.dictionary.com/ n type sumthing, ANYTINK!...
The works was simple...i guess our rest time is much more longer then we work..hahakz..but so fun...meet alot of new frens there...meet thiz guy, at first he was lyke so fiecre...then we knew him bout 5 hours..WOW!! he's a gay...he touched my butt n my nips! GODDAYM BUSTED!! GAY BUSTED!!! he also touch some of my frens too....dun wanna mentioned his name as it may be offensive if he reads my blog of wat..hmmph..
n also met thiz psrn who is serving NS for the nation..he's posted under the Civil Defense..so i asked alot of ques. about it...it's quite fun being Civil Defense coz it's one of the highly pay n quick relaxing job afterall...hmmph..
nt to fgt we even disturb one of thiz gerl werking there...she has a big mole on her neck...n it was totally funny..especially dinno, as he passes by the gal he will said the word PALAT continuously..it's lyke so daym funny..i cnt stop laughing..busted sia dinno!!! hahaha...but WTH!!
we even took some pics...
enjoy those pics....
Posted by hidayat at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
silat returns!
went for training at Pasir ris..
3pm - 9pm..as per normal with LC( Leader's Circle) training then followed by normal training at 5pm..
b4 tat, spent some timw for briefing about the BEST OF THE BEST n ONLY THE STRNG CHAMPIONSHIP n also ADVENTURE CAMP DURING DEC!!
cnt wait for it !!shld be happening!!!
learned Seni during LC trnng, next sat it's the contest..so must pratise n get one of the best..hahahakz...
then at 5pm normal trng began n did physical trng..it was tough but has to endure n train to be the best...
aft break went for sparring..fought with each n everyone of the athletes there..haha..they was quite challenging too...gave some tips to the new ones...hahakz
aft training went down to chill with silat frens n my mummy!!miss u so much MAK ETON!!
atlast got to meet her...YAY!!!
then we sent Her n nurul bck,
ib n zarrin then sent me bck..awww so romantic..hahahaahahahaha....
discuss about our each of our prob. share some stories..hahakz
oryte till here i guess..
tml gonna wake up early to go to work..haiish..
bye n tc everyone!!
Posted by hidayat at 2:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Hey there...
Went to downtown yesterday to meet dinno n frens..ib brought his guitar to entertaint ourselves...haha..then met sec 5 Dunman student..my ex classmate too...they are having class chalet for bout 2 days..wah so fun sey..chit chat wip them for a while n then headed to Pasir ris Park to get a nice n pleasant veiw of the beach...haha...played alot of songs using the guitar..dinno n ib do the singing..even danny played some hardcore n punk songs..quite fun...
then took some pics at downtown n went home...hmmph.here's some photo of us tat we took it yestrday...
enjoy those photos!
Posted by hidayat at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
happy hours!!
HEY to anyone who is reading my blog..
today had some excitement during sch hours n aft sch...hahakz..
as usual went to sch at 8.30 n the first lesson ended around 11+..
was quite bored n was so brainless as we had nth interesting to do in sch..student hub was closed n canteen was lyke moronic place to be in as for the food is so boring!!! haiish
So we plan to play Lan gaming..I was lyke WTH!! LAN GAMING SUXS!!!
so went to nearby bus stop to chill n strted to wait fr the bus to show up..
suddenly fazzel came out with good idea!!!!!!IDEA!haha
"u saw tat??" he said..n we was lyke wat wat wat...
"There's are some guys playing SOOOCCERRR!!!!"he replied..
in the end we ended up playing soccer at the street soccer beside our sch..but lan gaming was nt cancelled.. lan gaming was brought forward aft sch...
wait wait wait...i'm nt done telling y'all bout the soccer part..
hmm, ouhk..
we went there n asked whether we could make a team n play with them..at first they refuse to but they borrowed us their ball for us to play..NT PLAYED WITH THEM..haiish..
our intention was to challenge with them..
i'm nt sure y they didnt wanna play with us.maybe their scred tat we would play rough or beat them up...EAT THEM??? probably nt!hahakz..
but aft a few mins ltr we tried again, n they agreed...i was lyke ATLAST!!!YES.WOOO!!hahakz..
the first team who went was Man, zahid, Fazzel n Vivek..hahakz..
they were doing fine in there but end up losing..hmm, nvm cn try again...
n then was our turn..my team, me n Faris, Naim n Adam..hahakz..
at first they trash us 2-0..then i scored 2 goal..YAY!!
then STUPID FARIS did nt save the last shot made by the other team..the shot was lyke so simple!!arhh..but nvm..winning is nt everytink..it's jus a game..hahakz...
Then aft playing soccer went bck to sch..
2nd lesson took us about 40 mins.. class advisor released us early today..
then proceed to Northpoint to continue the Lan gaming..
i dun really into this Lan gaming or CS watsoever it is...
but Naim wanna treat me so i dun wanna miss the opportunity...hahakz..
went to play with them..around 6 person played..
play play play...hahakz..so furnie la..instead of killing the enemy, we killed our teammates..hahahahak...then suddenly saw this person using sumkind lyke sheild protection..i saw tat n laughed loudly...it was kind of funny with tat thing running around killing ppl..HAHAHAHA...cnt stop laughing aft seeing tat...seriously..try to imagine.hmmmmmm...
CS was kind of fun..hmmm....but the part where u take out ur money n pay, tat part suxS!!!
oryte till here then...
gonna eat first..so hungry..
Posted by hidayat at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
hip hop fest n carnival
hey there...
went to city hall yesterday for the hip hop fest n carnival...
but b4 tat met dinno, ib n danny at dinno's crib..
arrived his place around 2+ n ib was still sleeping..
transfer some data frm dinno's comp to my thumbdrive...
... some n computer games n software for my comp...
then around 6+ we headed to city hall straight..
went marina square to take our dinner first..
met SHAIFUL!! he's my exclassmate..
so short..we used to call him toyol..hahahlz..
but now, who ever who dares to disturb him, he will smack the person upside down.. Toyol transform to skinhead..hahahahahahkz..shaiful2...haha
after eating went down to Padang to see some excitement n performance show...
while we were walkingm shaiful get into some arguements with this group...shaiful biase jgk..suke cari gado..hahahakz...
then met the national team while we was passing by the memorial, whole group of the team..
went around to greet each of them.
spend some time to talking with them..
they asked me y did i nt turn up for trng.n answered some stupid reasons...
i was impressed with sharin...
he brought me to the back n showed me this cool flip called GAINER!!!! WOW!!!!
then proceed to the stage nearby us to see the performances..
then zarin arrived n join us....
waited for the dance party to strt...it's about an hour b4 the party to begin so went to the bck to chill n discuss each of our prob....
was kind of fun when the part they performed hip hop dance around the crowd..
one by one showed their talent in breakdance n some cool moves...
even one of my fren (ABDILLAH) oso joined the dance...
woooooooo, he got the move yo...he used to be the kental in our class.. n cnt believe my eyes seeing him doing some awesome moves..cooooooool
ib becoming crazier n crazier as for dinno doing some silly dance..hahahahakz...i cnt stop laughing...
it was a great outing with them..
they cheer me up every single second of my life..
thanks bros..
till here then,
Posted by hidayat at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
today went training at PRECC..
briefing about Theater perfomance tat will be conducting next week n oso about the healthy lifestyle carnival on 7 nov...(all youth are welcome!!!...Venue: PADANG, Time frm 3pm-10.30pm..will be having games n alot of fun stuffs..do join us!!...hahaa...
training was quite tough..
then played some games...captain ball n street soccer...
my team won both games...
aft training went to Dinno's place..
met ib n him..
played his elec. guitar..
n even took some vids of us singing...
then dinno taught us to on how to improve on our voice...some sort like vocal lesson.
n we tried singing acapella..
at first, it was lyke out of tune..
then we configure our voices, i tried to sing with normal tone, ib sang low n dinno sang high...n then we combined our voices together,
created one nice song...
co-ordination is the very important part when singing acapella..
but overall we did a great job..YEAH!
actually we are planning to have some kind of street performance during Dec holiday..
but nt yet to be confirm...must prac alot alot alot!!hahahahakz...
till here..
Posted by hidayat at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
totally was nervous jus now..
presentation!! n me alone presenting out there...
but tried to overcome it by doing stupid faces to my fren who is presenting..*evil laugh*
N even some of my fren's nervousness was so daym obvious..the scripts tat their held on therir hand was lyke shaking TOO...hahahahahakz..KEKEK2!!!!..MENGIGIL PE SMPI KERTAS PON IKUT MENGIGIL, i shouted loudly at them...
their face turn red aft i said that...hahahakz...
but i said sorie!!!...
hmm, during lunch, Faris's mom called him n reprimanded him coz of using the phone till the extended...his bill was about $400+...OOOOOoooOOOO...so expensive..KESIAN FARIS..stress jap dia..
hmm, i guess till here..
Posted by hidayat at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
today school was so tiring..
the whole day practical..haiish...
from 8 - 5....
hmmm, first lesson was electrical so went to do some crimping, soldering n some wire connections....
then had lunch...
aft lunch went for Aircraft Instruments System...
practical too...the whole day with overall..hahahkz..
went to do the engine continuity check n the leak check..
tiring but was fun...hahahakz..
now gonna call all of the silat members to confirm the date n time of the Raya outing tHis sun...
coz it gonna be a tough weekend for me this weekends...
afternoon gonna jln rayer with jabbar n frens..
then frm there proceed to PRECC for training...
is the Silat Raya outing from 9am to 10pm..
wed N ThUrs.
till here...
Posted by hidayat at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
went out raya wip my parents..
firstly went to Sembawang to my dad's fren house..
ate alot n oso cnt fgt bout the chocolate name ECLAIR or wateva shit!!
his son brought out the choco for us to eat..n guess wat, aft a while i ate it..the taste is lyke so different..it's like a green diahoerr wip a rotten bread stir together...aft a few seconds later, the boy who gave me the choco stand up n went to the kitchen..then followed by me...i want to hide but he said to me " Ey da basi kan..yukss..."..i oso said YES n threw out the remaining choco in my mouth..hopping nt to get diahoerr tml...SHITUATION!!!haha..
then went to my cuzz place...
met razif, ipin, yat black joe n the rest...
we ate bout three plate of noodles..wow!!it was so so so delicious...
then we plan to do some exercise aft the food but instead we disturb ppl house...ipin went to the main switch at the corridor of this person house n OFF the Power Supply...n we ran to the upper floor..it was lyke fun n exciting..so we did it again n again..
we ran here n there doing some stupid stuffs...
then we went to the next block n did the same thing...HAHAHAHA...
but this tym from the 14 floor till the 2nd floor..
we ran each level jus to Off the POWER SUPPLY..stupid ting to do but kind of FUN FUN FUN!!!
really y'all shld try it..hahahakz..
oryte, gtg...
Posted by hidayat at 2:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
went out raya wip Dunman my exclassmates...
wow..miss them alot...
n they totally change alot...
dinno grew FAT!!
n some change alot in personality n appearance...but the ATTITUDE still stay the same....
CHILDDISH N STUPID N OSO CRAZY!!!hahahakz..but still fun being wip them..
miss their crazyness alot...lagi2 DINNO!!hahahahkz...
went about more than 10 house including mine during the holiday..
aww, next week school strts n life gonna be as usual..daym bored man..
ITE frens oso suxs n bored...my class only 5 malays...n their houses is lyke in th West n North area...so daym far..BORED BORED BORED!!!!
Posted by hidayat at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
jln2 cari duit!!!
Posted by hidayat at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
1st day of hari kemenangan ISLAM!!!
nth much to post today,
jus stay at home n wait for ppl to come my house...
met marlyna n melissa..
wow!they totally change alot..
getting hotter n sexier each year..hahahakz..
oopss..but they are nt my type...
met razif n rest of my cuzz who i call them THE LOUDSPEAKER!!!
but i enjoyed alot talking wip them even though they sounds abit noisy..
oryte, till here i guess...
Posted by hidayat at 10:59 PM 0 comments
yesterday woke up at 10am to clean my house..
last minute!!!
always last minute...
went to huzai's house to help him with his room..
me n ib help him plan the layout for his new room..
n was successfull..
his parents was satisfied with out arrangement...
CAN BE HOME DESIGNER UH YAT!!, said his mom..
Sidiq n Afiq help to clean the hall n windows...
we stayed there till 12am n went home..
i was happie to see Zai coz he was so enthusiastic to see his new room..
i felt it was lyke PIMP MA ROOM!!!haha
oryte gtg..
once again,
berhati di jln raye..
ketat kan topi keledar anda sebelum topi keledar anta membetulkan anda..
Posted by hidayat at 3:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
hari raya is jus two days away..
so fast!!!
yesterday overnight at Pasir ris..
meet Sidiq n frens to play some explosive bomb nearby...disturb ppl...
then went to Seashell park to chill, play with cats....n it followed us everywhere...
n went home in the morning...
woke up at 2pm n helped my mom to clean the house...
n went down to buy some foods to break out fast..hmmm...
Posted by hidayat at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hey guys..
yesterday was a great day for me..
went to bugis with ib, huzai n Jabbar..
went to OG to search some clothes..but none of them caught my attention..
then plan to break our fast at Banquet n was full so we decided to buy some drinks first b4 eating at Banquet...
SUDDENLY, while we was drinking n enjoying our snacks we heard a loud sound of RACING CAR n that was the F1..cool, so we do not bother to eat first n search where the sound came from...WOOOOOOooooooOOO..so excitedlty n delighted to see the passing cars!!
hahahakz..took a video of it n went off..well, intention was to shop nt to watch F1 show...hahahakz..
went to Marina Square n bought some clothes frm TOPMAN...n went to Peninsula to continue shopping..
Then we went to Long John Silver had our dinner..n went off to Geylang..
accompany ib to buy his clothes...baju kurung n his capal..
then went bck..
arrived home about 1am..
till here...
niwae SHOPPING was gud..no wonder gals lyke it!hahaha
to liana: msg u when i get bck..
good luck fr yr FYE!!
Posted by hidayat at 1:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
collect my laptop that my uncle bought it frm US..
coz of this lappy i had to wake up in the morning n go to Bukit Batok to collect it..
hahaha...atleast i'm happie to get one...If nt, dun expect me to wake up in the mrning n go to BKT BTOK!!!hahahakz...
Actually have to mit ib at my house to do some stuffs..
but since my parents plan to go to JB last minute..all my plan cancel..DAMMIT!!
but nvm, my mum wanna give me money to spent on my clothing n my suffs.. Thought of asking ib to join us..but my aunt n granny is following us..sorie IB...gonna bring u there one day n SHOPPING..hahahahahkz..
Posted by hidayat at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Piano on the Go!!!
learn the song apologize on the piano..n was so daym nice n cool...
I thought piano suxs...Wat u get by pressing the white n black key on it?stupid sound.....But when i saw this video by DAVID SIDES...i was motivated n was so eager to learn the piano..And atlast got a piano from my cuzz...n the important things was i got to hit that key that make the stupid sound!!!yeahhhhhh!!!....kind of fun when u hit tat key n it produce a sound of music...i like playing tat stuffs...
wanna learn alot of songs...next song gonna learn is forever n superhuman by Chris yat...oopsie, Chris brown....hahahahalz...
So now gonna practice on the guitar n piano for the recording we're gonna make soon..
till here then..
Posted by hidayat at 1:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
1st day of creating a blog!
yeah i created a blog....
well, yesterday went to training at kallang river park..
woo, that was so tiring n sickening..but have to endure the training...
my intention was nt to come fr the training..but since didn't turn up fr two week so, have to come fr training...haiish..
then went to break fast at sultan mosque...met ibnu there
then we went to geylang...
so pack n full of ppl...
Hmm, then we played some firecrackers..DANGEROUS FIRECRACKERS..n i mean it..DANGEROUS!!
it was like national day fireworks but just a short one..
my cuzz bought it at KL...so bring them along to play with my silat mates...
five minutes aft playing it, the civil defense came...n we ran to payar lebar MRT station...FUHH!!!that was close...if nt, i would be dead...fucking dead....hahakz..
then met sue, dila n eemah at joo chiat complex...n went bck with them..
cnt forget the part when we did some stupid stuff in the train n played stupid games in the bus...me n ib sent dila bck n went to meet zarrin, Danial n zai...
n played the remaining firecrackers...save it fr them...
n their expression was like "WOW, SO NICE"...
then we saw this couple doing some private stuffs so we plan to disturb them with the BOMB..we threw the bomb at them n when we heard a loud explosion we quickly ran....yeah...wakakakaka....
stupid couple trying to do sexual scenes during fasting month...ATLEAST wait till September ends...hahahaha..
Then we went to playground called barney the purple dinosaur..played some songs on the guitar tat Danny bought together with him. Ibnu n i are planning a make some recording on our songs cover n trying to post on youtube...wait ya..soon it will be on the Internet...hahahakz..
then went to the nearest coffee shop to take our morning breaking...n went to Ehub to relax ourself...
At 8 am we went back home...
goddammit..I'm so tired n restless...my whole body is aching n my leg..my leg!!...i cant even walk...
then accompanied my dad to watch the show called "I AM LEGEND"
great story...n went to bed...
here is the video we took while playing the firecracker...
enjoy the short vids...
yeah that's all
Posted by hidayat at 12:01 AM 0 comments