hey guys..
silat camp pics added on my frenster..
do check it out! thanks...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
silat camp pics
Posted by hidayat at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Do u believe in Destiny???

firstly in the mrning about 3am..
went out to meet jabbar, ibnu n zarrin..n went parkour around 1/4 of tampines...hahakz...
then around 6am went to sunrise rooftop..it's a place where u can see beautiful scenery...half of singapore i guess...where by u'll be able to see..Changi Airport tower, Ikea, punggol, town n even Spore flyer..cool rite...
u can even relax n chill there...relieve ur stress..build up ur confidence in anitink..trust me..it work...free ur mind perhaps!!!
but for gals, i'm sorie..u cant go up there...bcoz it's sumtink to do with climbing...n climbing is nt a gals hobby/sports...hahahahakz...
took alot of pictures...the pics will be at the end of the post...
aft watching sunrise went straight home..
woke up around 3+pm n received a call from Laila...
met her at downtown with Jebz, ib n Nisa...
went for bowling at ehub...
sch is strting soon....so spend some time with them b4 sch reopens..
took pics of us playing bowling...
enjoy those pics...

Posted by hidayat at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
met huzai at barney playground n straight to Istighfar Mosque to have our Friday prayer..met Jabbar n Ib at mosque..aft praying we headed to Downtown East to have our lunch..n met Abid at Seashell park..
n chill about an hour b4 going home...
niwae going fishing tonite with my dad n cuzz..
niwae laila get well soon k..
apply cream to ur leg n be sure to take ur medicine so that u will recover soon..
tc!!! niwae left a msg for u at friendster...read it!! hahahakz..
i guess that's for today post...
Posted by hidayat at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Boredom strikes! oh boy..
Ouhk listen up, I'm BORED.
whole day doing nthing at home...as the rain keeps pouring every hour..non stop
for god sake, plz help me...
didn't got a chance to go for a jog this morning...
went online but no one is there..nt even one person..haiish..
leave a msg for sumbody, hoping to hear from her soon...
Moving on,
Ouhk whats the deal with these reality tv shows?.. like WTH., I hate all those stupid shows....
Why would I want to watch other people bickering and be annoying?..
I hate people as it is to be watching these idiots....
eg. like one of the show called Icarly, these two gals, Carly n Sam, who likes disturbing ppls n making some jokes that's isn't funny..
maybe sum ppl may say that it's jus a entertainment for them...
I dont know who is more pathetic, the people on the show or the people watching these shows.
About MTV!
MTV sucks, it rotts your brain! If you watch MTV you are a nerd..... ouhk... sorry i got carried away, I just really dislike MTV...
aniwae I'm gonna go back to banging my head on my desk, hopefully I pass out.hmmph...
well i'm gonna go bck to being bored!
Posted by hidayat at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
brought home PRIDE!
YES!! i told u'all that i would make it n won the match....
but i didnt brought home any medals coz my team loses...haiish..
but atleast i won the match n i'm proud of myself...cherished in my mind...
nvm, Abid , nurul and Farhana...although u didn't won the match but i'm proud of u for nt being a coward n fought all the way with Seligi Tunggal Team...i know it is a tough match..but u did nt give up n endured the whole game...n congrats to Faizul for winning the last match...our team loses 2-3...jus 1 nail...nt a big deal....i'm proud that u guys got the fighting Spirit in you!! yeah!!
all our team won the OTS challenge Trophy..
ouh ya, nt to fgt..
thanks Laila n her fren ( nisa) for coming n supporting us thoughout the whole day..
appreciate that alot...
niwae my aunt from New Zealand came jus now...
had a great conversation with her n she also gave me 100 NEW ZEALAND DOLLARS!!
YAY!! thanks aunt jess!!
here the pic of the 100 New Zealand dollars..
today i got New zealand money..
she told me she had a farm..n it's a animal farm..
till here then!!
Posted by hidayat at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
been busy training for the past few days...since last thurs
busy preparing to tml's fight..that's OTS Championship..
it will be held at Pasir ris East CC...3pm..
do come n see we fight...
the best among the best fite...
we are gonna win for tml's fite..believe it! yeah!
niwae went to Orchard with ib, zarrin, dinno n ahmad jus now..
went to Grand Copthane Hotel to apply for a job...
niwae will be strting next week..yay! cnt wait...
hmmph, aft that, went to Far East PlaZa..ate at Kfc n window shopping...
disturb some ppl around...as per normal..
n also went to Paragon Mall....
arrived home around 10pm..
fiighting tml..but today we can enjoy...
that's totally me...
actually dun wanna stressed alot...
wanna jus get some fun by relaxing our mental..
wat should we worried about..
i had done some training n preparation for tml...
so gonna do well tml..
ouh ya, nt to fgt...
there's this place,
ib n ahmad was laughing loudly at the back..
n i was lyke..stupid them...making nuisance noises...
then they called me..i was lyke hmmmph..ouhk then..
went i reached that spot..i strted laughing loudly..WTH! so funny..
it's a mirror..a concave mirror...which reflects a funny version of YOU..
i was lyke..WOW!! i'm small..so cute...my leg was so short n i was so fat..hahahakkk..how could i imagine that..the other mirror is the convex mirror..n my leg was so big...hahahahaha....cnt forget bout that...we took some pic of that..but it's abit blurr...hahaha...i cnt stop laughing till now thinking bout that..hmmph...
k till here...
wish me luck guys!!
Posted by hidayat at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
hey there guys..
i'm so tired today due to silat camp for the last two days..
13-14 dec...
on sat . 13 dec
met some of them first at Pasir ris ast CC to sent some items for the parents to bring for us there..so that it would be easier for us to cycle from Pasir Ris to East Coast.. Then we proceed to Pasir ris Park to meet the rest of them n Abg Zali to rent a bike that we would be using for the rest of the trip...
after renting it, we strted to cycle till East Coast Park...was fun together with them...
but one of us were missing..SUARTIKA!!! tkpe2..aku fhm kau pnat n gi kendarat...dun weri k SUE!! rest well! hahahakz..
k continue,
arrived there around 6+ n rest for a while b4 our traning began...
practice on our flipping b4 that, since Ib is doing sch projects about Parkour..we plan to strt our practising bck...yeah! GC RETURNS!!! BELIEVE IT!
Moving on,
we then went to train at the beach nearby..
run here n there..splits nt the fgt...was painful but force myself though...competition is around the corner...gonna train hard..wanna be the best!!! i pushed myself for the whole training...
after training, had a great n pleasant bath at the nearest toilet...felt delighted after the bath...
went to pit to have a bite... didnt eat tat much coz of the briyani rice i ate in the afternoon..hmmph...
went to chill wip them..giving some tips to Abid on dating girls as for he's gonna date a girl the next day..hahahakz.. n even sang some songs for them..
around 10+ we strted our games...
first game was to see wat character a we characterized.....i'm a EXCESSIVE person...cooool....but i'm also a STABILIZED person..i got both the same marks/points...but i picked excessive coz it's more describe for who i am...hahahkz...
then played some flour games...
aft tat I n Ib sabortage one of our frens...
hahahahakz..throwed flour n water at NurHidayat..hahahakz..
then me n man went fishing...yeah...atlast...waited so long...n we began fishing...
caught catfish, blukang fish, buntalfish, n also siakap fish...i dun noe wat the english name for it...hahahakz...
great mann....
waiting for the pics that Azizah n Nurul took..ALL OF IT!
please pass it to me..i likes those pics...amazing n outstanding...
then around 7+, it strted to rain cat n dogs..
we then pack up our things n cycle back to Pasir ris..
once we arrived Pasir Ris...some of us went home n about around 14 of us left..
coz there's another pit for the family gathering...
actually we plan to eat n go home....
BUT!! after a while, the rain strted pouring down heavily...
chill at one of the shelther...was so cold n shivering, as by the force of the wind...hmmph..
we then grab some foods n went to the tent..daym!! BAD IDEA!! knowing tat it was a bad idea...everybody strted blaming one another..hahaha...was so funny during that moment..stayed for a while till the rain stop....then went home wip azizah, ib n zainol...
overall the camp was so so so fun n challenging for me...i'm nt sure bout the others..hope they enjoyed it too.
till here i guess...
tomorrow morning will be having another training for OTS CHAMPIONSHIP..
here we come!!
go go go...
give me a tough fite...i'm on for it..
Posted by hidayat at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
East Coast Park
harlow there...
yesterday we had class BBQ at East Coast..
went to meet zahid, naim n man at Tamp inter n proceed to East Coast straight..
arrived there around 2pm..
all 3 of my lecturer were there too..one of them even brought his family along..
was quite fun when they are around, Mr. SIMON with his dirty jokes always..hahaha..
met all of my classmate n we started playing team building games at the beach..
i like the guessing water bomb games, where the part u guess the person n if the prson u guess is rite, then u throw the bomb on them...hahahahakz..my team won the prize prize..YAY!!! hahahakz...
then me n adam strting flipping...back flip, front flip, side flip..all kinds of flips..hahhaakz...
after flipping me, adam, naim n man went to swim at the beach...so fun wip them along..hahahakz...
even played roller skating n the bicycle that they rented...hmmph...
aft the exciting events, we strted to BBQ chickens , fish ball, crabmeat ,etc...
adam brought his girl along n sonia bought her boy along n that is Faris..
ate n chat wip them...n plan to overnight..so i call up my mom n said that i'll coming bck home tml...wat a great tym wip them.,
around 9+ ib came..i asked him to tag along instead..
we talked about lame JOkes. about creepy stories..alot stupid stories..
wat a great day yesterday wip them..
about 8+am we strted packing up, getting ready to go home...
ate breakfast at Macdonald before going bck home...
hmmph, tired n exhausted...
tonight will be having training at GEylang serai CC...
see ya guys there....
OTS championship! HERE WE COME!!!
niwae this sat n sun will be having my silat camp at EAst Coast TOOOOO!!! WALAU!! y east coast! so far!!!!! haaiyooo...
but nvm, this sat shld be way more fun coz all my best frens n silat frens will be there! YEAH!! cnt wait!! cnt wait! cnt wait!
till here i guess...
Posted by hidayat at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Piano lesson...ENJOY!
hey there..
yeah...atlast finished all my exams n assignments...
went to dinno's place to take my PSP bck from him..
but b4 going home, we played some RNB songs on the Piano...
enjoy those melody songs i played.
niwae i wanna improved in piano..
getting more n more motivated by seeing DAVID SIDES video...ENJOY!
Apologize feat. IBNU IRFAN! (rate thiz song) thanks! hehe
say goodbye intro..
superhuman intro!
Posted by hidayat at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
well hi again...
actually have ntg to say bout today...
went to L.P mac yesterday with Dila, Ib, Eemah, Su n huzai..met them n Su to create her blog...
went home bout 11...ate sumtink b4 going on9...
pass some photos tat we took to eemah n continue watching Naruto till 3am..hahakz..
today..so bored....
nth to do at home but to study..
tml exams, arghhhhh..
cnt wait to finish my exams then enjoy myself for a month!! a month??? nt fair nt fair...
nvm..nt big deal..still a oliday for me..
oryte till here then..
Posted by hidayat at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
busy busy busy!!!
hey there..
been busy for the past few days n had no time for blogging n etc..
gonna share with you guys bout my story for the past fews days..
sat. 29/11
Best of the Best competition at PRECC...
but i did nt participate in the event due to exams n projects..
went to support my teams..n also helped abg zali to update the scoreboard during that day..
i lyke best is the the fite between abid n ibnu..the best fite ever..fite between two brothers..n abid won the match...it was a tough match..even though ib didnt won the fight..but he did a great job n won himself a silver medal..WELLDON IB N ABID!!! GD LUCK FOR UR OTS CHAMPIONSHIP THIS DEC!!
i wont be joining the championship...haiish..i wish i were in the team...hmmph, but nvm, there's still alot of competition coming up next yr...
went home n did some revision for my exams on mon..
ouh ya! met EEMAH n DILA n SUE!!
yay! atlast got to meet them..miss them so much...
DISTURB them..ESP EEMAH!! hahakz...
sorie eemah, i've been bullying u for the past fews day...was lyke so fun..hahakz...
did some phototaking with them..hahakz...muke satu2 passport photo sey..lagi2 eemah!!hahahahahakz..opps...haha..
hope to get to meet u guys again...
niwae dila n ib, hope both of u settle ur prob. in a good way..dun fite2 k dila..NT GUD NT GUD!!ahahakz..
sun. 30/11
went to Johor with parents n relatives...did some revision in the car..
went to Angsana, Xtra, Larkin n Carrefour...mum gave me 50RM to spend..
bought some DVD n went shopping with kak nur n mawar. n thanks kak nur for the foods...the nasi ayam, nasi campur n oso nt to fgt, KFC..she's the best cuzz ever...hahakz
arrived home around 2+am..n went straight to bed...
WOW! so fast December oredy!!! n gonna be second yr student soon..
super daym fast..hmmph...
ouh ya...today, examssssssssssssssss...AIS exams..
woke up at 11am..n prepared to go sch..
arrived sch around 12.30...
went to canteen with faris n met irfan(Second yr student).he jus finished his attchment..so asked him about the atchments n etc..
then studied abit more n went to class to strt the exams...
hmmph, was quite simple..some ques was tricky but manage to ans it..
after the test went around asking for the right ans...n YAY!! almost all of it i got it right...
n thurs there's another test...AEES..hope cn do it too...got full marks for the previous test..n gonna get full marks for this one..yeahhh...
hmmph, till here then..
will update soon..
do take cre frens n loves ones...
Posted by hidayat at 5:58 PM 0 comments