Thursday, May 14, 2009
change will come!

Posted by hidayat at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
today's lesson we gonna learn about cooking! NOT

me and zainol

i had really a good day today.
had this recording stuffs last sat wip zeenol n ibby..
but didnt upload any videos of us coz it was bad...pretty bad..
it was jus a practice..
aft that insanity recording wip them
went to watch movie called JGN TEGUR..in english they call it.."they as in my ite frens"
haha...funny them...
niwae bck to the topic..the show was quite bored till IB made some noise in the cinema..
he's the LOUDEST of them all...he even made some new frens there..didnt noe that he was quite a scaddy cat when comes to horror show....haha..same goes to me too.heeeeeeee
nvm..had much fun on sat wip her n him...
today suppose to have no class but have to submit my project..
arrrhh...nvm friday nt schlling..so cn kinda cover up today's slppyness..haha..yat mepek...
went to Causeway wip frens aft submitting project..
haha...cnnt fgt the part where we went to popular n read X men comic then make fun of the characters..hahak..keco keco keco..then the part where we read the magazine pics all bout cats..they were like " nie dulu aku ade.."..haha..mcm fhm sume..but serious jokers..especially fazzel..hahakz...gosh...gotta spend alot of time wip them b4 leaving sch...haiiish...3 more weeks wip them...gosh gosh gosh...so fast 1 1/2 yr oredy...oh boy!
niwae class n team photo will be posting next week..hope so...
3 more weeks!
cnt wait till exams is over...
then attctment!
orytte till here then
bye for now...
gtg wash the dishes.NOT!
Posted by hidayat at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
another story for the weekend!
first things first..
I've been;
A) To busy to write.
B) To lazy to write.
C) I have nothing to write about lately.
I haven't slept today.I bit tired, until I saw the weather!
i passed my RAdio n Composite test..yay for me...n yay for u...haha..
next gonna study for BAMA n NDT test...oh boy!!
i've been shortlisted for ST aerospace Scholarship..the only malay in my class..like wth!
made inquiry about ST aerospace scholarship...
maybe nt joining as lecturer said that i have the possibilities to futher my studies to poly n i guess that the best for me...i hope i cld enter poly next yr..insyaallah..amin amin amin..hahaha
so i guess that's all i have to update about today..
nth much...bored me!
niwae hollywood undead is so gonna be on my fav song list for this month...so yea..
n btw i learned new history that P ramlee is the first person on earth..hahaha..wth! fazzel u are so daym funny...haha... ;)
PS:"A person is as beautiful on the inside as they are outside." n that prsn is so amazing
im glad i met her n i really wanna know her better!! whee~
Posted by hidayat at 6:11 PM 0 comments