Sunday, June 7, 2009

my day was GuuuuuuuUUUDDD!

Harlow Humans!!
today, woke up in the mrning and went to NTU for IVP Silat championship...
that was was lyke at the other end of Singapore..fuhh.super far..
but nvm, as long as she was there with me the whole trip, that's the best...heee
but b4 we went for the IVP, we did went to the NEW Jurong Point was huge n complicated...packed with humans in there....haha....even wanna find the POSB was a headache for us...haiiyadushhkk...
then we took a bus from there to NTU...

IVP was alot of long lost frens and instructors there...
saw few matches but it was all woman category...boringg...hahakz..kidding2...
saw all my ite silat frens..met some of them...n even saw them wearing new team that's was way to cool...haahaa.

then around 5 we both went off to somerset to meet all my classmates n lecturer to have our Dinner at Sakura....about 13 of us turned up...i guess thats ouhk.hahakz

sorie guys for being 5 mins late..tu pon nk bising2..haiyo..haha..
but it was quite fun...wahhhhh...foods here n there..besepah mcm sampah yg terletak di tong sampah!! SUMPAH!!! hahakz..

but all of it was great..i jus love it!! spend bout few hours there till we are wip them...jokers! hahakz...
aft our dinner we went to Cineleisure to have some fun time there! ARCADE!! haha..
im pretty sure that im nt good at playing games..but jus to try out these MACHINES!!OOOOooooooOOO...
have fun org kate kan...hahakz...there's this dance call the dance Machine..i dunnoe la wat does it called.
awww i jus sux at dancing...sembarang hentam je joget.hahakz...
that's was great...wip her n the rest of my classmates...awesome!

oryte then, gtg for now...
will going to London tml .. NOT!
tc humans!